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Think you sex life’s over at 40? Wrong! Canadian researchers discovered that reaching 40 could actually make your sex life more adventurous. The study found that sexual pleasure does not decrease with age and that as they got older, the respondents were more likely to be adventurous.
22 percent of men and 26 percent of women aged 55 to 59 were open to lubricant use during sexual intercourse, 40 per cent women admitted to using a vibrator the last time they masturbated.
Older men have more sexual appetite and drive: Sexual activity among older adults is fuelled largely by male appetite – women are less likely to be active if their partners do not experience much desire and more likely if their partners do, new research has highlighted. According to a study conducted by an university in Sweden, researchers examined the sexual attitudes of senior citizens and identified the factors that determine whether or not they remain sexually active.
The study found that the quality of sex lives of senior citizens has improved as well. A total of 62 percent of women and 71 percent of men reported being highly satisfied with their sex lives as opposed to 41 percent of women and 58 percent of men in the 1970s.
Key to longer life: Researchers at a German institute, found that a man’s chances of dying early are cut by 20 per cent if their bride is between 15 and 17 years their junior. They found that sex rates are highest among the simple and often bizarre ways to keep men healthy – including cutting down on pain killers, eating five apples a day, brushing teeth with your wrong hand and carrying wallets in the breast pocket. They also found that men with younger women – who look after the children and put food on the table – help extend their lives.
Older women love reading about sex: According to a recent poll involving 2000 women between 45 and 60, two-thirds said that they liked raunchy scenes in novels, and more than half described sex in books as “titillating”. A further 10 per cent said that they actively chose books that had lots of sex scenes.
Sex makes older couples happier: The more often married individuals above the age of 65 engage in sex, the more likely they are to be happy with both their lives and marriages. Based on the survey responses of 238 married individuals in the US, aged 65 years or older, researchers found that frequency of sex significantly predicted both general and marital happiness.
While only 40 percent of individuals who reported no sexual activity in the last 12 months said they were very happy with life in general, almost 60 percent who engaged in sexual activity more than once a month said they were very happy. Similarly, while about 59 percent of individuals who reported no sexual activity in the last 12 months said they were very happy with their marriage, almost 80 percent who had sex more than once a month said they were very happy.
Older women more sexually satisfied: Researchers from a reputed American University have uncovered that a woman’s sexual satisfaction increases with age despite low sexual desire. Over 800 older women were evaluated as part of the study, which measured the prevalence of current sexual activity; the characteristics associated with sexual activity including demographics, health, and hormone use; frequency of arousal, lubrication, orgasm, and pain during sexual intercourse; and sexual desire and satisfaction in older women.
The median age in the study was 67 years and 63 percent were postmenopausal. Half the respondents who reported having a partner had been sexually active in the last 4 weeks. The likelihood of sexual activity declined with increasing age. The majority of the sexually active women, 67.1 percent, achieved orgasm most of the time or always. The youngest and oldest women in the study reported the highest frequency of orgasm satisfaction.
40 percent of all women stated that they never or almost never felt sexual desire, and one third of the sexually active women reported low sexual desire. Regardless of partner status or sexual activity, 61 percent of all women in this cohort were satisfied with their overall sex life.
Women get naughty at 70: The value women place on sexual attraction dips in middle age but returns after retirement, according to a study conducted by a website. The results revealed that women in their 70s value sexual chemistry in a partner more than women in their 40s.