Kiki challenge is passe now and the social media is hit by Nillu Nill Challenge. While in the Kiki challenge, the participants used to jump out of the moving cars, dance along with it and then jump in, Nillu Nill challenge is crazier and riskier.
It has started from Kerala where people are stopping the running bikes, buses, trains and various vehicles by coming in front of them and dancing on a Nillu Nill song.
The challenge has become immensely popular in Kerela and people are also mocking it by dancing in front of static vehicles and even animals. The Tik Tok videos of the challenge are getting massively popular. Have a look at the video below-
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Now that’s interesting but only if done in a safe way. Jumping in front of running vehicles especially heavy ones and then stopping them for the sake of fun is not cool but risky. We hope people use their mind and understand the risk they are taking on their own lives.