Is it worth going the gluten free way? Fact or just a fad


Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley, rye, oats and their derivatives

Is it worth going the gluten free way? Fact or just a fadRepresentational picture

Now days, a gluten-free lifestyle has become one of the most popular diet trends in the market. Every shop/ mall has set of foods stating ‘gluten free food’. The demand for these gluten-free foods is increasing. In order to understand the gluten free food trends taking place in the market it is important to understand gluten.

Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley, rye, oats and their derivatives. Some people are found to be sensitive to gluten and show mild symptoms of intolerance such as chronic diarrhea and vomiting. Celiac disease is associated with an allergic reaction within the inner lining of the small intestine. The linings of the small intestine are destroyed by inflammations caused by the immunological reaction with gluten.

Dr Pradeep Gadge, Diabetologist, Gadge Diabetes Centre, says, “Gluten free products have been around for years suffering from celiac disease. However, the demand has now widened beyond medical needs. The food market started to grow beyond people who were just needs based and into a lifestyle choice. As many people think gluten-free diets are healthier and are giving up gluten to lose weight. It’s basically a fashion. Another common belief that gluten-free diets are healthier (and a growing availability of alternative breads and grain products) are also driving the trend. Gluten-free products have turned from being medicated products for gluten intolerant people to a lifestyle choice. Gluten-free foods are gaining popularity partly because manufacturers and marketers are aligning new product developments with other emerging trends in the food market. These trends include use of plant proteins and grains like quinoa.”

There are many celebrities who follows fad diets for weight loss and people are just following them without knowing the medically reason. People want quick fixes, and diets are frequently used as a quick fix for issues. There are many restaurants and cafĂ© where gluten free foods/dishes are available, and people are following that thinking it’s a low fat and healthier. But that is not true a gluten-free dish may contain a lot more butter or oil, and that is not healthier. It is always better to consult a qualified dietician or nutritionist before starting a diet.

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