Your beach jewellery has to always be colourful to go with your swimwear, sarongs and the beach wear
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New Delhi: With beaches becoming the most preferred honeymoon destination, pack in funky and colourful tassel jewellery and chunky anklets, suggest experts. Nishant Tulsiani, director at Anaqa and Radhika Chitalia, designer at Joules by Radhika, have given inputs:
Your beach jewellery has to always be colourful to go with your swimwear, sarongs and the beach wear. For evening parties, you should go for some nice earrings with tassels in various colours. Always remember to wear light weighted jewellery.
A fine fusion of trinkets like sleek pendants and striking danglers in geometric shapes can be paired with both denims and sundresses and is always a good recommendation.
Chunky anklets in both silver and gold perfectly accessorise your feet when paired with your favourite flip-flops while on a beach with your partner.
Out of the huge variety available, layered neckpieces are an ideal companion for your honeymoon. They can be worn for a casual lunch or a formal night out with your husband.
Chic bracelets and bright coloured tassel earrings can also set the mood for a romantic outing with your beau.
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