5 ways she’s telling you you’re not good in bed


Being intimate with your partner is probably the most fun thing to do together, but it is quite possible that she isnt having as much fun as you thought she was. Here’re are a few clues shes probably giving you

Woman and man in bed

Having sex is probably one of the most enjoyable things to do out there, but sometimes your partner may not be having as much fun as you thought she was. If you are someone who is a little skittish about asking her for ‘feedback’, here are some subtle cues she’s probably giving you.

>> She shuts down after sex: Most women like to cuddle after sex. Some may like to simply lie down next to you and take a nap. But if your lady love is turning away and absolutely shutting down after sex, there’s definitely a problem.
When women have sex they release a certain hormone that causes them to bond with the man they are with. This is why you’ll find your partner wanting to be close to you after the act. If this basic need is missing in your woman, there is a possibility that she isn’t quite enjoying her time in the sac.

>> Avoids having sex with you: This one is just the brightest red flag out there. If she’s avoiding the act all together, know that there is potentially something very wrong. While other reasons like hormonal imbalance or even fatigue can play a role in her disinterest, if she was sexually active and starts avoiding sex with you, it’s time to change things up.

>> Looks bored: While having sex, the last thing that comes to your mind is to register what expression she has on her face. But if you actually take the time to notice and she looks bored, you know you aren’t doing anything to make her happy between the sheets.

>> She talks about certain things during the act: She probably doesn’t want to hurt your feelings by telling you that you aren’t satisfying her, but one way of giving you a hint would be to talk to you about specific things you do in bed. For instance, if she asks about why you like a particular position or why you climaxed early, know that she’s pointing towards a problem.

>>She wants to stay in only one position during sex: This could go either way. Either you’re turning her on and helping her have a lot of fun in this position, or she hates it and just wants you to be done. If the latter is the case, she’s probably not going to want to change positions, ask you if you are done and lay there looking bored. Combine all the above hints with this one and voila you have a lady who is not too happy with your skills between the sheets.

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