Fathers’ Day Special: 10 Ways To Show Your Dad That He Is The Real Hero


Dad is a son’s first hero and a daughter’s first love. Dads are sent to earth to spoil daughters and to reform their son, to motivate them when they fail and to cheer when they win. Dad is the one who is there to hold us even before we fall and clap the loudest at all our successes. It’s time your dad knows that he is the true hero and he has done an amazing job bringing you up.

Just one Fathers’ day can never be enough to express your love and gratitude but the least you can do is to make him feel special with your words and actions. Here are 10 ways to show your dad that he is the real hero:

1. Give him a gift on your birthday:

Your dad might expect a gift on his birthday or Father’s Day but surprise him with one on your birthday. It will be your way of thanking him for bringing you into this world. For always being there and not expecting anything in return.

2. Never hesitate to say thank you:

Giving him gifts as a thank you token and expressing your feelings in words are two totally different things. Your dad knows how much you love him but hearing it from you will make him happier. He might not show it but he will be overwhelmed.

3. Express your love for your dad every now and then:

Daddy is your first teacher; your superhero and he is the one who taught you your worth. It is easy to open up with mom and tell her that you love her but don’t hesitate to say “I Love You” to your dad also. Trust me he would love to hear it and these three magical words will get you closer to your cape less hero.

4. Try to take some of his responsibility:

Your dad has been running this family even before you were planned, its high time he should get some rest. Try to ease some of his burdens when you are home. Tell him to rest on Sundays and you carry out all the responsibilities of your dad, like marketing, cleaning bike, gardening, etc.

5. Take time to sit and talk to your father:

You were more scared of your dad than you were of your mom when you were young and that tradition has to end now. Take some time off your busy schedule to sit and have heart to heart with your dad. Tell him about your day and ask him about his. Now that you have time, spend it with your dad, so that you would have some moments to remember him by.

6. Give him a vacation from you and your siblings:

It has been ages your dad thought of himself, his privacy, his “me” time, his shortcomings. Now it’s your responsibility to think about him. Give him a vacation away from home with mom, even if it is for a weekend.

7. Plan a vacation with him to his favorite place:

You want to go to Goa, your sibling wants to go to some hill station, your mother wants to go to Shirdi, but no one cared to ask dad. For a change, this time ask dad, what is his dream vacation and make a plan to go there. He might just want to visit his native place in his village. Fulfill his dream to visit his home where he grew up and plan a family getaway to your village, it will make him so happy.

8. Cook his favorite dish:

You have always raised tantrums to have your favorite meal and amidst your favorites, your dad has almost forgotten what he used to love when he was your age. Once in a blue moon ask him his favorite delicacies and with the help of your mother, surprise him with his preferred cuisine.

9. Always have something in your house which reminds your dad of his childhood:

You always cherish your childhood and might have something which reminds you of the best phase of your life. Your dad also misses his childhood, his parents and his old home. Make sure you have something in your house which is closely related to your dad’s young age. Be it his school trophy, his black and white picture or his parent’s old photos, frame it and make it special for your dad.

10. Never miss a chance to make him proud:

Your father doesn’t expect anything from you but the least you can do is make him proud. Your father will be proud of you if you succeed in life or achieve something on your own, so bring some tears of joys in his life too.

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